Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) : Ir. Oyas Wahyunggoro, M.T., Ph.D.
NIDN : 0028116704
NIP/NIU : 196711281994121001
Pendidikan Terakhir : S3
Bidang Ilmu : Teknik Elektro (Instrumentasi dan Kendali)
Afiliasi Lab : Instrumentasi dan Kendali
Pangkat/Jabatan/Golongan : Pembina/Lektor Kepala/4A
Jabatan Struktural (jika ada) : Kepala Lab Instrumentasi dan Kendali
Riwayat Penelitian 3 Tahun Terakhir
1 | Aplikasi Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel untuk Deteksi Dini Bahaya Kebakaran Hutan dan Integrasinya dengan Sistem Pemantau Lukasi Berbasis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | 2015 - 2017 |
2 | Perancangan Algoritma Semi-Dense Monocular Visual Odometry sebagai Metode Navigasi pada Anmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) | 2016 |
3 | Analisis Metode Moving Average Filter sebagai Pengkondisi Isyarat Load Cell SEN128A3B | 2015 |
4 | Perancangan Motion Control Camera Berbasis Mikrokontroler STM32 F103RB | 2014 |
Riwayat Publikasi 3 Tahun Terakhir
1 | INTERNASIONAL | A Novel of Repulsive Function on Artificial Potential Field for Robot Path Planning | IJECE (Jurnal Scopus) | 2016 |
2 | INTERNASIONAL | Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease | CST (Jurnal) | 2016 |
3 | INTERNASIONAL | An Integrated Artificial Potential Field Path Planning with Kinematic Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robot | IJASEIT (Jurnal Scopus) | 2016 |
4 | INTERNASIONAL | Path Planning Based on Fuzzy Decision Trees and Potential Field | IJECE (Jurnal Scopus) | 2016 |
5 | INTERNASIONAL | The comparative performance evaluation of window functions under noisy environment for speech recognition | Journal of Technology | 2016 |
6 | INTERNASIONAL | Mel-frequencies stochastics model for gender classification based on pitch and formant | IJASEIT (Jurnal Scopus) | 2016 |
7 | INTERNASIONAL | Comparative Study Between Internal Ohmic Resistance and Capacity for Battery State of Health Estimation | MEV (Jurnal) | 2015 |
8 | INTERNASIONAL | Utilization of detection and identification of detonation (knock) using a wavelet to create a chart for a petrol engine's characteristics | IJET (Jurnal) | 2015 |
9 | INTERNASIONAL | Design and Implementation of a Magnetic Levitation System Controller Using Global Sliding Mode Control | MEV (Jurnal) | 2014 |
Daftar Mahasiswa 3 Tahun Terakhir
1 | Dimas Hasbi Habibi |
2 | Iryanto Chandra |
3 | Aulia Zikri Rahman |
4 | Abdul Jalil |
5 | Ghufron Fathoni |
6 | Muhammad Asrofi |
7 | Paris Ali Topan |
8 | Alfian Ma'arif |
9 | Maryam |
10 | Tatiya Padang |
11 | Almido Haryanto Ginting |
12 | Triwiyanto |
13 | Handri Himawan Triharminto |
14 | Iswanto |
15 | Muhammad Kusban |
Daftar Alumni 5 Tahun Terkahir
1 | Bhisma Adji Pratama |
2 | Bobby Rian Dewangga |
3 | Bernadus Dwi Laksana Adi Tenggono |
4 | Dani Prasetyo |
5 | Meilia Budi Lastiti |
6 | Richard Aritonang |
7 | Sigit Agung Widayat |
8 | Ade Yahya |